Altmar Street - 1946

Altmar Street - 1946
The Altmar Street extension, looking north towards Whited Street, during construction in 1946.

Altmar Street is located in East Brookline near the lower end of Brookline Boulevard, one block before Jacob Street. From the intersection with Brookline Boulevard, Altmar Street runs north, in the direction of Whited Street. It's path is parallel to Jacob Street. The roadway continues until it dead ends near a wooded greenway.

The first section of Altmar Street to be developed was the stretch from Brookline Boulevard, past Reamer Street, to the intersection with Roseville Street (near the current intersection with Bellaire Place). This short stretch was laid out in the 1930s on property once owned by the Reamer family. As for Roseville Street, it existed on paper only and basically marked the boundary with the adjacent plot of undeveloped land.

In 1941, the adjacent twenty-six acres, owned by Olive G. Kerr, was acquired for further development. By 1945, the Pitt Manor lot plan was developed. Altmar Street was extended to it's current boundary and construction of housing soon began.

1940 map showing the Reamer Street lot plan and the adjacent Kerr property.

The Weslager family moved into the home at 2002 Altmar Street (Lot#43), three houses north of the present intersection with Bellaire Place, on October 3, 1946. The sellers were Marie B. Steinkamp and Carl T. Steinkamp, who owned all of the lots in the plan. An interesting note on the original deed states that the premises was built under the Reconversion Housing Program of the Civilian Production Administration.

2002 Altmar Street - Plot Plan

These photos show the condition of the Altmar Street Extension, part of the Pitt Manor Plan, from Roseville Street (Bellaire Place) north towards the dead end, as the owners began moving into their new homes in the Fall of 1946.

Altmar Street - 1946    Altmar Street - 1946
Front and rear view of the Weslager home at 2002 Altmar Street during construction.

Altmar Street - 1946    Altmar Street - 1946
Left: Looking west from the rear of 2002 Altmar Street up the hill towards the yet undeveloped land that would
soon be developed as the Bellaire Place extension; Right: the Weslager home nears completion.

Altmar Street - 1946    Altmar Street - 1946
Left: Looking east towards Carrick on the far hillside; Right: The homes of the Morris, McCrillis and Godfrey families.

Altmar Street - 1946
Altmar Street, complete with walkways, sewers and paved roadway in the winter of 1946.

Altmar Street - 1956
This final photo, taken in 1956, shows Altmar Street looking south towards Brookline Boulevard from the Weslager home.

* Photos provided by Gary Weslager *

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