Citiparks 17-Under Traveling Basketball League
2007 All-Star Game Results/Line Scores

All-Star Exhibition Game
March 18, 2007
at West Penn Recreation Center

		RED		22 - 34		56
		WHITE		24 - 30		54

RED - Morrow 20 (10, 0-0, 0), Nelson 12 (3, 3-3, 1),
Knox 8 (4, 0-2, 0), Ogbanna 6 (2, 2-2, 0), Williams 4 (2, 0-0, 0),
Sekerski 3 (0, 3-6, 0), Ellis 2 (1, 0-0, 0), Camarco 1 (0, 1-2, 0),
McGraw 0 (0, 0-0, 0), Henderson 0 (0, 0-0, 0);
WHITE - Dixon 19 (7, 5-7, 0), Green 8 (1, 3-5, 1),
Thornton 8 (4, 0-0, 0), Jones A 8 (4, 0-0, 0), Jones S 4 (2, 0-0, 0),
Calloway 2 (1, 0-0, 0), Slappy 2 (1, 0-0, 0), Thompson 2 (1, 0-2, 0),
Hall 1 (0, 1-2, 0), Gardener 0 (0, 0-0, 0).

RED - Williams 3, Ellis 2, Henderson 2, Knox 1, Sekerski 1, Morrow 1;
WHITE - Green 3, Thornton 3, Hall 3, Dixon 2, Jones 2, Calloway 2,
Thompson 1.

The Players:
RED - Ajani Ogbanna, Joel Sekerski, Shawn Ellis, Embry Williams,
Ryan Nelson, Keith Morrow, Sam Camarco, Matt McGraw, John Henderson,
Jeff Knox;
WHITE - Brian Gardener, Stefon Thompson, Brandon Hall, Mike Dixon,
Antwan Jones, Terrance Slappy, Chaz Calloway, Bruce Thornton,
Laron Green, Shannon Jones.

* Most Valuable Players *

RED - Keith Morrow
WHITE - Mike Dixon

The Red Team!
Missing from Photo:
Embry Williams and
Ajani Ogbanna.

The RED Team
Coaches - Monica Williams and Jay Latimer

The White Team!

The WHITE Team
Coaches - Dan Stephens and Rhumaud Brooks