2007 Citiparks Traveling Basketball League
11-Under Team Photos

Brookline Recreation Center

Brookline Recreation Center
1400 Brookline Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15226

Director - Michelle Underwood; Coach - Milan Tyler

Phillips Recreation Center

Phillips Recreation Center
201 Parkfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210

Director - Chuck Stover; Coaches - Sean Stein and Mike Hannon

Warrington Recreation Center

Warrington Recreation Center
329 Warrington Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210

Director - Dan Stephens; Coaches - Raymont Conner, Steve and Aaron Mitchell

Magee Recreation Center

Magee Recreation Center
745 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217

Director - Vicky Butch; Coach - Shawn Flaherty

Ormsby Recreation Center

Ormsby Recreation Center
22nd and Sidney Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15203

Director - Paulie Herron; Coach - Monica Williams

Beechview Athletic Association

Beechview Athletic Association
President - Mike Warren; Coach - Dwayne Baucum

Manchester Academic Charter School

Manchester Academic Charter School
1214 Liverpool Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15233

Chief Executive Officer - Vasilios Scoumis; Coach - Tria Davenport

Arlington Recreation Center

Arlington Recreation Center
2201 Salisbury Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210

Director - Paula Meyer; Coaches - Anthony Morris and Mar Oaks