Cadet Avenue - October 28, 1930

Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Cadet Avenue, looking from Pioneer Avenue, on October 28, 1930. The roadway was going to be graded, paved and
connected with a detached section of Cadet further along the way in the Boggs Plan of homes.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Looking along Cadet Avenue on October 28, 1930. Pioneer Avenue is just over the rise. Visible in the distance are the
West Liberty Lumber Company, the Palm Garden Trolley Bridge and the Palm Garden Dance Hall.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Cadet Avenue, looking uphill from near Pioneer Avenue, on October 28, 1930.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Home standing at the corner of Cadet and Pioneer Avenues on October 28, 1930.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Cadet Avenue, looking in the direction of Pioneer Avenue, on October 28, 1930.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Cadet Avenue, looking in the direction of the Boggs Plan, located further down the road, on October 28, 1930.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Cadet Avenue, looking in the direction of Pioneer Avenue, on October 28, 1930.


Cadet Avenue - 10/28/1930
Cadet Avenue, looking in the direction of Pioneer Avenue, on October 28, 1930.


Cadet Avenue - 1930
Cadet Avenue, looking in the direction of the Boggs Plan of homes standing in the distance, on October 28, 1930.
They are located on a detached section of Cadet Avenue. In between is a long, deep ravine.


Cadet Avenue - 1930
Cadet Avenue, looking in the direction of the Boggs Plan of homes standing in the distance, on October 28, 1930.
Those homes are located on a detached section of Cadet Avenue. The ravine is to be filled
and the two sections of Cadet Avenue connected as one continuous roadway.


* Photos from the Pittsburgh City Online Archive *

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