Woodbourne Avenue - 1924

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924

This is Woodbourne Avenue, at the corner of Sussex Avenue, looking towards Oakridge Street, in October of 1924. These photos were taken between Cedric Avenue and Queensboro Avenue. They show the contrast between the sub-standard road conditions of the time and the new residential homes that were rapidly filling the open Brookline lots. Berkshire and Chelton Avenues had recently been modernized with sewers and pavement. Infrastructure improvements on Woodbourne would soon follow. Sidewalks were already in place and soon the city would begin the transformation of the dirt road into a modern brick-covered thoroughfare. The intersection of Woodbourne and Sussex Avenues has always been a popular gateway into the Brookline community. It is difficult to imagine traversing the rutted dirt trails with a horse and wagon, or the cars of the time, not to mention the difficulties during inclement weather.

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Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
The corner of Woodbourne and Cedric Avenue, looking towards Freedom Avenue, showing both sides of the street.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
Approaching the intersection with Freedom Avenue, looking northwest.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
Between Freedom Avenue and Oakridge Street, looking northwest.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
Approaching the intersection with Oakridge Street.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
Approaching the intersection with Oakridge Street.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
Beyond Oakridge Street, heading northwest, approaching the intersection with Sussex Avenue.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924  Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
The intersection of Woodbourne and Sussex Avenues, looking towards Queensboro Avenue.

Woodbourne Avenue - 1924
The intersection of Woodbourne and Freedom Avenues, looking towards Oakridge Street.

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