Brookline 14-Under Boys Basketball League Rules

League Rules and Policies

Players and Parents:
Please familiarize yourself with these ground rules.

Of course, rules are always a work in progress. We will
stick to these guidelines, but the ultimate decisions
on instances that might not be covered in this document
will be up to the discretion of the league coordinators.

* The league will consist of seven (boys) and four (girls)
  teams, with eight to ten players per team.  Game schedules
  will be distributed to each player and posted at the
  Recreation Center.

* Sign-up fee is $25 per player.  Parental permission
  is required.  Permission slip must be signed in order to
  play.  Each team will have a community sponsor.
  Registration and sponsor fees cover the cost of team 
  jersies, referees, equipment, trophies and other incidental
  league expenses.

* All participants will receive a team jersey.  Shirts
  MUST be worn during games.  Players must not cut sleeves
  or alter jersey in any way.  If a player does not have
  their team jersey and one can not be assigned, then they
  can play IF they have a like colored jersey. Their team
  will be given a technical foul at the start of the game.
  Participation is at the discretion of the league staff.

* Each team will be assigned a coach/instructor.  The coach
  will be responsible for team management. The League
  Staff will provide assistance whenever necessary.  Teams
  may have an assistant coach, but they must first be cleared
  through the League Staff.

* Only assigned coaches and players are permitted on the
  team bench during games.

* REGULAR SEASON games will consist of two 15-minute periods
  (boys) or two 20-minute periods (girls) with a 5-minute
  halftime.  Each team is permitted two one minute timeouts
  per period.

* All players MUST play at least fifteen minutes per game
  (boys) and twenty minutes per game (girls).  This time can
  be broken into increments.  Timekeeper will buzz horn and
  stop game for player substitutions every five minutes
  during the game.  Substitutions can only be made on
  substitution breaks, timeouts or in case of injury.
  Remember that when substituting on timeouts, the playing
  time rules must be adhered to, so this option may not be
  available, depending upon the number of players present
  or the accumulated playing time of the player being removed.

* There is no "pressing" until the final two minutes of each
  half.  Teams can not play defense beyond mid-court until the 
  final two minutes of each half. A team warning will be issued
  at the start of each game, and violations will result in a
  technical foul on the team coach for each infraction.

* Basketball is not a contact sport, and players are expected
  to abide by this rule.  Fouls will be called and the games
  will be controlled.  Due to the age disparities it is
  essential that the bigger players respect the younger ones
  and do not run over or "tank" the smaller players.  To
  prevent injuries, we will assess a two-shot technical foul
  on any player who commits such an offense and the player
  will be suspended for the remainder of the game.

* In the event a team has only four players at the start,
  then each team will play with four on the court.  Any less
  than four players will be cause for a forfeit.  If a fifth
  player shows up late, then each team will put five on the
  court.  If a player is ejected and this causes a team to
  play with four players, then the opposing team will not be
  penalized and the game will continue as 4-on-5.  Be aware
  that if a player is ejected from the game and this ejection
  causes a team to have only three players available, the game
  becomes an automatic forfeit, regardless of the score at the
  time play is stopped. At the discretion of the league staff
  "alternate" or substitute players may be placed on a team
  with only four or five players present in order to give a
  team with a minimum number of players present the opportunity
  to rest players and field a five-player team. This option is
  only available during the regular season and may not be
  used in order to avoid a forfiet.  See "ALTERNATES" below.

* ALTERNATES...The league staff may have a couple of substitute,
  or "alternate" players, to be substituted into a game in case
  a team has a shortage of players, in order to avoid forfiets
  or give a team with a minimum of players present a chance
  to give their players a rest. These substitute players are
  bound by the same playing time rules. Substitutes, or
  "alternates", will be assigned to a team at the discretion
  of the Recreation Staff.  No "alternates" will be available
  during PLAYOFF games.

* Players are allowed five fouls before ejection.  Teams will
  be permitted six team fouls per half.  Afterwards, the
  opposing team will be receive one-and-one bonus free throws.
  Upon the tenth team foul then the opposition will receive
  two-shot free throws.

* We will have a running clock.  Time clock will be stopped
  for shooting fouls, timeouts, injury, or referee intervention
  only.  During the final two minutes of each period the time
  clock will stop on each referee whistle.  If a game score is
  out-of-hand, the scorekeeper may let the clock run without

* In the event a game ends in a tie after regulation, then a
  three minute overtime period will be played.  There is no
  limit on the amount of overtime periods that can occur in a
  game.  We will continue until a winner is determined.

* Players should arrive 15 minutes before game time.  Games
  MUST start at the correct time, unless a late start is
  dictated by the previous game.  We will allow a 10-minute
  delay in case of late attendance, then automatic forfeit.

* Games will be played outdoors if the weather is nice, and
  indoors if the weather is bad, so there will be no rainouts.

* Jewelry may not be worn during games.  Earrings, necklaces
  and studs MUST be removed.  The Recreation Staff and coaches
  are not responsible for any lost items, so it is best to
  leave them home.

* Late sign-ups will be placed on a call-up list and assigned
  as necessary to fill open roster positions.  There will be
  NO roster changes after ten games.

* Standings Tie-Breaker will be regular season head-to-head
  competition results.   The second tie-breaker will be points
  scored head-to-head, and finally a coin toss.

* Practices are encouraged, but not mandatory.  The coaches
  can schedule practices, and the staff will attempt to provide
  court time, either inside or out, whenever possible.  However,
  time and space are limited and we can only expect so much from
  our volunteer instructors.  Individual hard work and
  dedication is the key to success, and all players are
  encouraged to practice their skills wherever and whenever
  possible.  In this program, we stress that each game,
  especially at the beginning of the season, is like a team
  practice.  Players and coaches are getting to know one another,
  and it is during these first several games that the importance
  is placed on building relationships and learning to play as a
  team.  All teams will make the playoffs, so in essence, every
  game is a just stepping stone to the post-season, so be patient
  with your progress and do not be discouraged if things do not
  go well at the beginning.  The Recreation Center Staff is
  always available to assist and encourage, so do not hesitate
  to ask for assistance if needed.


* SWEARING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.  There will be one team
  warning and a technical foul assessed.  A second team offense
  will result in automatic ejection and a technical foul.  

  no warnings and guilty parties will be removed from the game
  and a one-game suspension for all players involved.  Removal
  from the league is possible at the discretion of the Recreation
  Staff.  Law enforcement authorities will be notified if
  necessary.  Technical fouls will be assessed against
  all players involved.

* POOR ATTENDANCE may be cause for reduced playing time, 
  reassignment or removal from the league.  Please be considerate 
  of your teammates and coaches and let them know if you will be 
  unavailable for games, especially vacations and other prolonged 
  absences.  Three unexcused absences will be just cause for 
  reassignment, and a further three will result in a participant's 
  removal from the league roster.  THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR

* The referees and timekeeper are in charge.  Their decisions
  are final.  Only coaches may question a decision.  If a team
  has a question or concern, we encourage them to bring the
  issue to the attention of the Recreation Staff or the officials
  in charge after the game.  If a player feels he has been
  wronged or is not getting a fair chance to play, please bring
  this to the attention of the Recreation Staff after the game
  and corrective action will be taken if necessary.

* There is NO food or drink allowed inside the gymnasium.
  Players are permitted a water bottle. Refreshments MUST be
  left outside in the lobby.

* Tennis shoes ONLY are permitted on the gym floor.

* There are NO personal balls permitted in the gymnasium.  All
  balls must be left outside the gymnasium.  The Recreation
  Staff asks that personal possessions be left at home if
  possible.  The Recreation Center and the League Staff are
  NOT RESPONSIBLE for missing or damaged items.  BRING THEM AT
  YOUR OWN RISK.  We are here to run a basketball league, not to
  watch over basketballs, bikes, clothes, money, jewelry and
  other such items.

* Delinquent conduct in the Recreation Center building or in
  the park area, AT ANY TIME, may be cause for loss of building
  or park privileges.  Delinquent behavior will not be tolerated
  by the Recreation Center staff and may result in game
  suspensions or removal from the league.


* All teams will participate in the playoffs.  In the boys
  league, the first place team will receive a bye for first
  round.  Playoffs will consist of an opening round, semi-finals
  and a three-game championship series.  Girls will have a
  semi-final round and a three-game championship series.

* Playoff games will consist of two 20-minute periods with a
  5-minute halftime.  Each player must play at least twenty
  minutes per game.  Substitutions will be buzzed in by the
  timekeeper every five minutes.  Each team is permitted two
  1-minute timeouts per period.

* Players are allowed six fouls before ejection.

* We will have a running clock.  Time clock will be stopped
  for shooting fouls, timeouts, injury, or referee intervention
  only.  During final two minutes of each period the time clock
  will stop on each referee whistle.

* The League Staff and other adult instructors/referees are
  in charge.  The coaches will be permitted to run their teams
  as they see fit, according to the rules and within the proper
  guidelines for individual participation.  The
  instructors/coaches/referees will make adjustments as
  necessary and will do their best to promote teamwork and
  fair play among the different teams.  This league is as
  much instructional as it is competitive, and it is the
  staff's responsibility to provide all players with a
  reasonable opportunity to participate in the games. For
  instance, we will deter ball hogging, rude behavior and

  Additionally, we will look unfavorably on rude behavior
  from the crowd.  We remind everyone that we are here for
  the kids and they are here to have fun.  Winning and Losing
  is one thing, but not the only thing.  

  Any person/patron/parent whose actions are in any way
  obstructive to the peaceful progress of the game WILL BE
  ASKED TO LEAVE the playing area and law enforcement
  authorities will be notified if necessary.

  Please remember that these kids are here to have fun
  and play basketball.  There can be NO other way.


  League Coordinators: Clint Burton and Dale Key.
  Center Director: Michelle Underwood.

  Thanks everyone for your support!

                                          -Dale and Clint