Whereas, the City of Pittsburgh recently
renovated Brookline Community Center; and
Whereas, in addition to the long-standing
Boxing Program, a new Summer Basketball program and new Flag Football
program were initiated to expand the range of athletic options for the
area youth; and
Whereas, within the newly-created
Basketball program, a Boys 14 & Under" as well as the
beginnings for a "Girls 14 & Under"; and
Whereas, Clint Burton, Rocky Wells
and Bobby Mazzeo are Citiparks employees who were responsible for
co-ordinating and facilitating these summer Basketball leagues, as well
as acquiring sponsorship and motivating these youngsters; and
Whereas, this Basketball program seeks to
teach attributes such as sportsmanlike conduct, purpose of practice and
attendance, anger management, and the pride of teamwork; as well as to
install the participants with confidence by teaching new skills and
learning the rules of fair play; and
Whereas, a petition was signed by over 100
appreciative parents who wanted to express their gratitude to Clint, Rocky
and Bobby for a "job well done" in serving as role models and maintaining
professionalism while learning and having fun.
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Council
of the City of Pittsburgh commends these men for their leadership and the
foresight to realize that today's area youth need a variety of interests,
especially during the Summer, to challenge their bodies while infusing
their minds with lessons that will serve them positively as they
Now, therefore, be it further resolved that the
Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday,
November 19, 2002, to be "Clint Burton, Leonard
"Rocky" Wells and Robert Mazzeo Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.
Passed in Council on Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Gene Ricciardi - President of Council
Attest: Linda M. Johnson-Wasler - City Clerk
Jim Motznik
Councilman - District 4
* Reprinted from original proclamation
dated November 19, 2002 * |