Brookline Local Churches

Resurrection Roman Catholic Church - 2008

Photo/Informational Links To Brookline Churches

Brookline has several churches located in the community to serve the religious needs of the neighborhood. There are many denominations represented. Whether you are Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Baptist, or non-denominational, there is something here for you. If you can't find it here, there are many other denominations represented in the nearby communities.

Brookline's parishes have long played a vital role in the formation of our community. For most of the 20th century, most parishes had elementary schools associated with them, and many a Brookline child gained a religious and academic education at diocesan schools like Resurrection, Our Lady of Loreto and St. Pius.

The original Brookline Methodist Church - 1909.
The original Brookline Methodist Church built at the corner of Wedgemere Avenue and Fitch Way, shown in 1909.

In 1996 these schools were merged into one institution named Brookline Regional Catholic, with classes held on the St. Pius campus. In 2014 the name was changed to Saint John Bosco Academy, and in June 2019 the school closed. For public school students CCD classes were available at all of the parishes. For those wishing to continue a Catholic education after grade school, there is Seton-LaSalle High School, located along McNeilly Road in Mount Lebanon.

Over the years there have been Bible classes and other church groups, like the Holy Name Society at Resurrection, for the adult members of the congregations. There were the youth groups and the church choir, which performed at Sunday Mass. Many Brookline children longed to be an altar boy and assist the Father with the celebration of Mass, and many did just that. Many of the older kids also served as "Safeties", or crossing guards, before and after school.

The Men of Brookline Group join with members
of the St. Nicholas (Beaver PA) and St. Peter
and Paul (Northside) Parish Groups on a visit
to the St. Paul of the Cross Retreat House.
June, 1954. Click on image for names.
The Men of Brookline group joins with members of the St. Nicholas (Beaver PA) and St. Peter and Paul (Northside)
groups on a visit to the St. Paul of the Cross Retreat House in June 1954. For a list of names click on image.

The Boy and Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Brownies generally had a troop associated with the various parishes. Yearly fundraisers like the Resurrection Fun Flair, the St. Pius Expo and the Loreto Carnival were eagerly awaited summer events. There was something for everyone, and the church was, in many ways, the hub around which families thrived.

Still today, during these tough economic times, our churches provide many services to help ease the burden of their congregations and strengthen the concept that Brookline is a faith-filled community and that, as Bishop David Zubik states, "Nothing is Impossible with God."

It is difficult to understate the many contributions that our local churches have made in a historical and spiritual sense to the Brookline community.

Historical Brookline Mural made by the children at
the Tree of Life Open Bible Church in August 2018.
Historical Brookline Mural made by the children at the Tree of Life Open Bible Church in August 2018.

Brookline's First Church

The first church gatherings in Brookline were held at a stump church located near Pioneer Avenue and Brookline Boulevard. People came together around a preacher, sitting on log stumps to listen to his Gospel stories.

The first official church, called the Knowlson Methodist Church, was built in 1850. The church building stood on a hillside near the present-day junction of West Liberty Avenue and Brookline Boulevard. The property was donated by Richard Knowlson.

In 1905 the church united with the Banksville Methodist Church and the Reflectorville Methodist Church. Together, they constructed a new church along Wedgemere Avenue. The congregation formed the Brookline United Methodist Church, chartered in 1913, and a larger church was constructed at Brookline Boulevard and Wedgemere Avenue in 1924.

The Knowlson Methodist Church
The old Knowlson Methodist Church, built in 1850 above the junction of Brookline Boulevard and West Liberty Avenue,
shown here in 1915. The church was used over the years by the Brookline Methodists, the St. Mark's Lutherans,
and the Brookline Presbyterians, all of whom later relocated to larger churches built along Brookline Boulevard.

Other Congregations That Used the Knowlson Church

A small group of United Presbyterians had a small house of worship, erected in 1902, near the Bell House Tavern on West Liberty Avenue. In 1907, they moved to the West Liberty Elementary schoolhouse on Pioneer Avenue, then to the old Knowlson Church. The Presbyterians constructed a stone chapel at Queensboro and Brookline Boulevard, dedicated on February 13, 1913. The church was enlarged in 1924, and again in 1953.

In October 1906, Pastor Schoenlein began the St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Brookline. The first services were held in a home on Pioneer Avenue until the pastor secured use of the Knowlson Methodist Church. By 1908 the Lutheran City Mission Society had purchased a lot on Brookline Boulevard near Pioneer Avenue. The Mission erected a frame chapel at the location. The building dedicated on September 20, 1908.

We've attempted to gather some information on the local churches here in our neighborhood. Below are links to some of the history of these institutions.

Brookline Church Baseball League (1923-1924)

In 1923, four Brookline churches (Grace Lutheran, St. Mark Lutheran, Brookline Methodist Episcopal and Brookline Boulevard United Presbyterian) fielded a team in the newly formed Pittsburgh Press' Brookline Church Baseball League. All games were played at the community field at the corner of Wedgemere and Gallion Avenues.

The Brookline United Presbyterian Church took first place in the inaugural season, edging out the Brookline Methodists by a score of 4-2 in the title game.

Gazette Times article dated July 10, 1923, showing the Brookline Methodist team (right) before the first game.

The second season saw the addition of three more teams (Church of the Resurrection, Mount Lebanon United Presbyterian and Beechview United Presbyterian Churches). Grace and St. Mark Lutheran Churches combined to form one team for a total of six teams in 1924.

The Mount Lebanon Presbyterians took first place during the second season. The league was dissolved after the 1924. No reason for the cancellation was published, but most likely it had to do with the loss of the Brookline ballfield. Residential development along Wedgemere and Gallion replaced that community baseball diamond.

Church of the Resurrection

Resurrection Roman Catholic
 Church (Creedmoor Ave) - 2008

♦ Resurrection Church/School History ♦

♦ Resurrection Church Website ♦

St. Pius X Church

St. Pius X Roman CatholicChurch (Pioneer Ave) - 2004

♦ St. Pius X Church/School History ♦

♦ St. Pius X Church Website ♦

St Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church (Brookline
 Blvd) - 2004

♦ St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church History ♦

♦ St. Mark Church Website ♦

Episcopal Church of the Advent

Episcopal Church of the Advent (Pioneer Ave) - 2004

♦ Episcopal Church of the Advent History ♦

♦ Episcopal Church of the Advent Website ♦

♦ Girl Scout Troop #77 (1940-1943) ♦

Tree Of Life Open Bible Church
(formerly Brookline Boulevard United Presbyterian Church)

Brookline United Presbyterian Church - 2004

♦ Brookline Boulevard United Presbyterian Church History ♦

♦ Tree Of Life Open Bible Church Website ♦

Pittsburgh Southern Baptist Church
(formerly Grace Lutheran Church)

Pittsburgh Baptist Church - 2011

♦ Brookline Church Baseball League (1923-1924) ♦

♦ Pittsburgh Southern Baptist Brief History ♦

♦ Pittsburgh Baptist Church Website ♦

♦ Brownie Troop #1301 - 1962 ♦

Brookline Assembly of God Church
(formerly Brookline Methodist Episcopal Church)

Brookline Assembly of God (formerly the
Brookline Methodist Church on Brookline Blvd) - 2004

♦ Brookline Methodist Episcopal Church History ♦

♦ Assembly Of God Website ♦

Iglesia Christiana Church
(formerly Jehovah's Witness, Agape, GracePointe and Upper Room Worship Church)

Iglesias Christiana Church

♦ Iglesia Christiana Church Website ♦

Freedom Fellowship Church of Pittsburgh
(formerly Paul Presbyterian Church)

Protestant Reformed Presbyterian Church (Pioneer Ave) - 2004

♦ Paul Presbyterian Church History ♦

♦ Freedom Fellowship Church of Pittsburgh Website ♦

Narrow Gate Ministries - In One Accord Church

In One Accord Church - Brookline Boulevard - 2017

♦ In One Accord Church Website ♦

Our Lady of Loreto Church
(no longer in service)

Our Lady of Loreto Roman Catholic
Church (Chrylser Ave) - 2004

♦ Our Lady of Loreto Church/School History ♦

Our Lady of Victory
(no longer in service - now located in Carnegie)

Our Lady of Victory Maronite Church

♦ Our Lady of Victory Church History ♦

♦ Our Lady of Victory Church Website ♦

Toner Institute
(no longer in service)

View of Toner Institute - 1945

♦ Toner Institute History (1899-1977) ♦

DePaul Institute
(no longer in service - now located in Shadyside)

View of DePaul Institute - 1912

♦ DePaul Institute - 1912 ♦

♦ DePaul Golden Jubilee (1908-1958) ♦

♦ DePaul School For Hearing And Speech Website ♦

If you have any old photos or information on one of our local churches that you
would like to have included here, please contact us via our guestbook
located on the Brookline Connection homepage.

<Brookline History>