Fitch Way (Pioneer to Wedgemere)
October 19, 1948

Fitch Way - October 1948
Looking from Pioneer Avenue in the direction of the proposed Fitch Way extension. At the time,
Fitch Way did not extend all of the way from Pioneer Avenue to Wedgemere. The alleyway
extended only half of the way from Wedgemere, with the former Hunter property
blocking the way. By October 1948, that property had been sold and the city
was preparing to extend the alleyway through to Pioneer. These photos
show the condition of the alleyway before improvements.


Fitch Way - October 1948
Looking in the direction of Pioneer Avenue at the future path of Fitch Way. The photo was
taken from the former estate of David Hunter, a prominent early landowner whose
property blocked the path of the proposed extension of the alleyway.


Fitch Way - October 1948
Fitch Way, looking in the direction of Pioneer Avenue and the former,
Hunter property, which had recently been sold to developers.


Fitch Way - October 1948
Fitch Way, looking in the direction of Wedgemere Avenue.


Fitch Way - October 1948
Fitch Way, looking up from Wedgemere Avenue.


Fitch Way - October 1948
Fitch Way and the intersection with Wedgemere Avenue.


Fitch Way - 1940 Hopkins Map
1940 Plot map showing Fitch Way extending only half the distance between Wedgemere
and Pioneer Avenue. The former Hunter property is now owned by
M. Armstrong and will soon be developed.

Fitch Way Extension
September 14, 1951

Fitch Way - September 1951
Looking along Pioneer Avenue towards the intersection with the Fitch Way extension.
The Pinebrook Apartments are under construction.


Fitch Way - September 1951
From the corner of Winterhill Avenue, looking along Pioneer Avenue towards Fitch Way
and the new Pinebrook Apartments.


Fitch Way - September 1951
The home at 2519 Pioneer Avenue, across Fitch Way from the Pinebrook Apartments.


Fitch Way - September 1951
Looking southeast along Fitch Way from Pioneer Avenue.


Fitch Way - September 1951
Looking northwest along Fitch Way towards Pioneer Avenue. Construction continues on the Pinebrook Apartments.


Pittsburgh Press advertisement

* Photos from the City of Pittsburgh Online Archive *

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