George Gilfoyle
Brother George -
Brookline's Honorary Fireman The Brookline firehouse has stood on Brookline Boulevard for over a century. For over fifty of those one hundred years, one man has stood out among the crew of city firemen. He became a fixture at the firehouse, and his duties took him to all corners of Brookline. His daily walks around the community brought him in contact with the residents, and his kind-hearted manner endeared him to everyone. His name is George Gilfoyle, and he is affectionately known as Brother George. George was born in 1945 and lived for a short time in Perrysville. When George was ten, his family, which includes sisters Sharyn and Kathleen, and brother Michael, moved to Brookline and settled on Berwin Avenue. George soon became a regular visitor at the Brookline firehouse. By age twelve he was spending so much time there, and was so helpful and inquisitive, that the firemen began assigning him various volunteer duties. <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> Monitoring The Gamewell Alarm System George was a student, and later a workshop assistant, at the South Park Opportunity Center. When he wasn't at school, he was at the firehouse. As George grew and matured, he was named an honorary member of the firehouse crew. His assignment was to inspect the Gamewell fire alarm boxes that were installed on telephone poles around the community. This was a very important job, and George went about his task with due diligence and devotion. Armed with his clipboard, flashlight and radio, he would travel the streets of Brookline, going from one alarm box to the next. He would report in to the station and then test the boxes to make sure they were in working order. In the event of a neighborhood fire, George would take off running and often arrive at the scene before the fire truck and crew. The community of Brookline was always a safer place when George was on duty.
<><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> Brookline's Ambassador Of Good Will During his daily walks, George got to know most everyone in Brookline. He was always ready to stop and talk to his many friends. He had a special way of interacting with people of all ages. He would ask the kids how they were doing in school and take the time to educate them on fire safety. He was always kind to the ladies and enjoyed having a cup of coffee with his many acquaintances on the boulevard. Anytime a friend would pass by and shout "Hello, Brother George," he would stop in his tracks and wave warmly until the passerby was out-of-sight. He loved being around people. A devout Catholic, George regularly attended Mass at Resurrection Church. He was an altar server in the 1980s for Father John Marcucci. When not assisting with the service, George sat near the front of the church, praying ever so sincerely. Whenever a friend entered the sanctuary, George would stand up and wave. With so many friends to his credit, George did a lot of standing and waving during Mass. The gestures were so genuine that not even the priests would interrupt. It was classic George Gilfoyle.
<><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> Honorary Battalion Chief And Semi-Retirement In 2000, George was named an honorary Battalion Chief, an honor that he held dear to his heart. George remained at his post in the firehouse until 2004, when health issues forced him to stay closer to home. It didn't take long before people around the community began asking, "Where's George?" For several years George remained at his Brookline home, on Fernhill Avenue, helping to care for his mother. His prolonged absence at the firehouse had many people wondering what had happened to the gentle man with the contagious smile who, over the years, had become one of Brookline's most iconic figures, a community guardian and ambassabor of good will.
For those that had been wondering, George was doing fine. In 2013, at age sixty-eight, he had slowed a bit, and his duties at home kept him from his familiar post at the firehouse, but his heart still belonged to his many friends in Brookline, who he missed very much. <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> The Guest Of Honor Then, on Sunday, April 28, 2013, after so many years away from the public spotlight, George finally came out for a visit. At the Taste of Brookline event at Resurrection Church, Brother George Gilfoyle was invited, along with his brother Michael, to accept awards for his dedication and devotion to Brookline.
The Guest of Honor received a commemorative plaque from the community, a tin of cookies from Father Frank Mittolo and his friends at Resurrection and, to top it off, he was presented with a proclamation from Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak and the City of Pittsburgh declaring April 28, 2013 as "George Gilfoyle Day."
It was a great day for George, and a recognition that was long overdue. Seeing George mingling with friends and neighbors once again was heartwarming. It was as though he had never been away. His contagious smile and quick wit are something that had been missing here in Brookline for far too long. The Text Of George's City Council Proclamation Whereas, George Gilfoyle has been a
Brookline resident for 58 of his 68 years, living first on Berwin Avenue
and, for the past ten years, on Fernhill Avenue, and <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> George's Return To The Firehouse His experiences at the Taste of Brookline event in April 2013 helped to renew Brother George's spirit and need to get back to what he does best, socializing with friends along the boulevard and doing his best to help out at the firehouse. The contagious smile and warm personality that defines George Builfoyle was once again spreading happiness and good will to all who came in contact with him. It was as if he had never left. The firemen at Truck Company #26 welcomed George as if he was still one of the crew. He brought his notes along with him to the firehouse and hung out in the lounge with the crew during slow times. The only difference is that, when that call to duty came, George had to stay behind, unable to rush off and meet his mates at their destination. Sadly, George's beloved mother Dolores passed away on January 12, 2014, leaving George alone for the first time in his life. He spent some time with his brother Michael until he found a permanent residence in the Creedmoor Court Apartments complex on the parish grounds of Resurrection Church, a place where George spent so much of his life. His Brookline friends and his fellow firemen helped him through this grieving time.
<><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> A Very Special Dedication On August 8, 2015, George Gilfoyle, perhaps the most loyal fireman in the long history of the Brookline Community, received an honor that has never before been bestowed on a living individual in the annals of the City of Pittsburgh and the Bureau of Fire. An bronze plaque was placed near the front of the garage honoring George's lifelong committment to public safety and his years of dedication to the Engine House. The initiative to fund and erect the commemorative plaque, that includes a smiling image of George, was led by Brookline resident Doug Brendel. Contributions were made by countless Brookliners who have known and loved George over his five decades at the firehouse. It took a few months for Doug to raise the funds, get the plaque made by Matthews Bronze, and negotiate a few hurdles to accomplish the task. It was well worth the effort.
The special event was covered by local news media and attended by scores of Brookliners. For George, it was the happiest day of his life. Assistant Fire Chief Thomas Cook was on hand to officially unveil the plaque. Initially speechless, after a few moments an elated George stated with pride, "Now the fire station is named after me!" Brookline's Brother George Gilfoyle has now been immortalized in the place he has always called home. "Brother" George Gilfoyle is one of those rare individuals that have a special talent for making people happy. He has touched and inspired the lives of so many people over the years and, in his own unique way, has done as much as anyone to make the community of Brookline a better place. The world could use more of the happiness and good-natured friendliness of men like George Gilfoyle. <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> Some More Photos Of Brother George
<><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> <><><><> Written by Clint Burton for The Brookline Connection. Last Updated on November 29, 2024. * Photos provided by Dolores Gilfoyle, Kathleen Gilfoyle, Melissa Distel, Scott Price and Cathy Freuden McDonald * |
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