Memorial Day Parade - 1962

Memorial Day Parade - 1962.

These images are from the Memorial Day Parade in 1962. The first shows members of the American Legion Post #540 honor guard standing in formation on the boulevard next to the Veteran's Memorial during the opening ceremony.

Shown are: Front, left to right, John Mocello, Sergeant-at-Arms; Byron Bradley Jr., Mike Mezyk, Bill Bradley, Robert Carr. Rear, left to right, John Weinheimer, John Hudak, Byron Bradley Sr., James Jesswald, Charles Handler, Howard Siegworth.

Memorial Day Parade - 1962.

The second photo shows Post #540 commander George Haffner placing a wreath on the monument at the Veteran's Memorial to honor the fallen servicemen of all wars. The final photo shows Frank Masur, Senior Vice Commander; George Haffner, Post #540 Commander; James Zargan, representative of Congressman James Fulton; John Mocello, Sergeant-At-Arms. Mr. Zargan is presenting the Post #540 members with an American Flag that had flown over the U.S. Capital building in Washington D.C..

Memorial Day Parade - 1962.

Click on images for larger pictures.

* Images from the Brookline Journal - June 7, 1962 *

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