Brookline Memorial Recreation Center
Cannon Coffee Open-Mic Night - June 6, 2012

On June 6, 2012, Brookline Park was the scene of Cannon Coffee's Open-Air Open-Mic Night at the park pavilion. Open-Mic Nights are held every Wednesday evening at Cannon Coffee's shop on Brookline Boulevard, but this was the first time that organizer Nate Mallory brought the show to the open air of Brookline Park.

Emerging artists from around the area came to Brookline Park to showcase their talents.

This was a chance for emerging local artists to showcase their talents and bring some good original music to the patrons and spectators that gathered around the pavilion. The show began at 6:00pm and lasted until dark. Several artists performed. Refreshments were provided, courtesy of Cannon Coffee and State Legislator-elect Erin Molchany, who shared her talents on the grill to keep the spectators well fed.

For more information on future Open-Mic Nights at Brookline Park, contact Nate Mallory at Cannon Coffee, 802 Brookline Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15226. Phone: 412-563-0202

State Legislator-elect Erin Molchany kept things cooking at the grill. There were hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone.

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