Brookline Grocery Markets - 1933
We've made mention many times about how Brookline Boulevard was like an outdoor mall, with stores and shops that catered to most every need of the local residents. A person could ride up to the boulevard on the trolley, do all of their shopping and catch a ride back home. Photos that capture most of Brookline Boulevard on January 17, 1933, show how diverse the shops were in the commercial district, especially the abundance of grocery, meat and dairy markets, pharmacies, bakeries and confectioneries. The photos show no less than fifteen grocery/meat/dairy markets (four of which were Atlantic & Pacific stores). Grocery/Meat/Dairy Markets
Pharmacies and Confectioneries
In addition to the stores shown above, some of the other businessed included two gasoline stations, a bank, shoe stores and repair shops, a clothing store, two theatres, several barber shops, two beauty salons, a bowling alley, a plumber, a hardware store, real estate agents, three dry cleaners, two laundry shops, doctor and dentist offices and, of course, the firehouse. These photos show the boulevard from Queensboro to Pioneer Avenue only, and are all of the lower commercial side. There were other businesses and markets on the other side of the boulevard and even more beyond Queensboro Avenue, like Neuser's Market at 1049 Brookline Boulevard. One of today's popular businesses that were conspicuously missing from the photos were the bars. In January 1933 prohibition was still in effect, so any bars at the time, or speakeasies as they were called, would have been clandestine operations, and rumor has it that there were a few within the confines of the community. When prohibition was repealed in December 1933, the bars made a quite a comeback. |